Your car is a big investment and if you want to enjoy it for years to come, it’s important to show your vehicle some TLC. We don’t just mean maintaining oil levels, tire pressure or brake pads, you should clean your car regularly and thoroughly too.

It can be pretty impressive how quickly your car can go from sparkling clean to downright dirty. And we’re not just talking about the inside. Your car interiors can see their fair share of mud, stains and mystery gunk in every crack and crevice.

When the dirt starts to pile up it’s time to take action. That’s where we can help!

Meet your new interior car-cleaner

With the H2O e3 Cleaning System from Thane, you have everything you need to clean the inside of your car effectively. The H2O e3 Cleaning System is more than a sprayer or mop, it is a multi-purpose cleaner that can sanitise and deodorise different surfaces in your car.

Most products in the H2O range use steam, yet the H2O e3 Cleaning System uses a revolutionary cleaning technology called electrolysed S-Water, which is made up of salt and water. The H2O e3 Cleaning System Activator emits low levels of electricity into a mixture of salt (NaCl) and water (H2O), causing a reaction that breaks apart molecules and produces two new oxidants (HClO & ClO-), which results in the powerful cleaning solution.

What’s more, the H2O e3 Cleaning System comes with various attachments and accessories to help you easily clean all those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. But what sets the H2O e3 Cleaning System apart from other conventional car cleaning solutions is that it is eco-safe. It only uses natural ingredients, so it doesn’t produce harsh chemicals, and therefore protects both you and the planet.

You’ll also save money if you choose to clean your car with the H2O e3 Cleaning System, as you won’t have to drive to, and pay for a professional valet clean. You can achieve that new car feel and smell at home.

The H2O e3 Cleaning System can be used across multiple surfaces inside your car including, your steering wheel, dashboard, centre console, upholstery and windows.

Follow our simple steps to make sure your car is spotless with the H2O e3 Cleaning System.

How to clean car steering wheel, dashboard and centre console

Before you start cleaning, make sure you remove any items from your car that shouldn’t be in there and throw away or recycle any rubbish lying around. You can also use a traditional vacuum to remove the top layer of dust, dirt, and crumbs so that the H2O e3 Cleaning System can focus on deeper stains and grime.

The most effective way to clean your car interiors is with the Sprayer, one of the H2O e3 Cleaning System handy attachments. You can switch from the Mop to the hand-held cleaning spray in seconds. Simply detach the Activator from the Mop and attach it to the Sprayer. The sprayer is perfect for cleaning small, compact areas that have lots of hard-to-reach places.

Like the Mop, the Sprayer uses electrolysed S-Water to clean, sanitise and deodorise surfaces in your car. Electrolysed S-Water has been proven to kill 99.9% of germs, bacteria & viruses, such as E.coli, Salmonella, H1N1 & Influenza, whilst breaking down and neutralising odours in a matter of seconds.

Simply apply the electrolysed S-Water to your steering wheel, dashboard and centre console, then gently wipe away the cleansing solution with a clean cloth. Treat each component of your car carefully and gently to ensure you don’t damage any markings. You may need to be a bit more vigorous for tougher areas or where stubborn grime lies.

Some cleaning methods can wreak havoc can wreak havoc on hard surfaces, yet with the H2O e3 Cleaning System, you’re guaranteed an eco-safe solution to car cleaning that will make your vehicle sparkle again.

How to get rid of odours from car upholstery


Pets, food and general dirt can leave an unfortunate mixture of bad smells in your car. If there’s stale odours lingering in your vehicle, freshening up your seats could bring back that new car smell.  As well as eliminating germs and bacteria, the electrolysed S-Water solution produced in the H2O e3 Cleaning System, can breakdown and neutralise odours – not just mask them!

Using the Sprayer, spray the solution onto your car seats and let the electrolysed S-Water work its magic. For cloth seats, you can simply apply the solution and let it dry. For leather seats, you should wait a few minutes before wiping the solution away with a clean cloth. The electrolysed S-Water will penetrate deep into the fibres of the material and banish any odours within seconds.

How to keep your car windows sparkling clean

Your interior windows can get just as mucky as the outside, whether its dirty hand-prints or mud splatter. By cleaning your interior windows with the H2O e3 Cleaning System, you’re guaranteed a sparkling, streak-free finish.

The H2O e3 Cleaning System is safe to use on your windows due to its natural ingredients. Simply apply electrolysed S-Water to your windows with the Sprayer, then use the Squeegee attachment to wipe away any dirt or scum off the glass.

How stay clean and tidy when you’re on the road

It’s always handy to keep a selection of cleaning products in your car when you’re on the road. But with the H2O e3 Cleaning System, you’ve got all you need to clean your car in one effective product, saving you both time and money.

The H2O e3 Cleaning System comes with two mini Sprayers – perfect on-the-go cleaning solutions. Due to their small size, they can slot easily into car door compartments or glove compartment, so you can take them anywhere you go and use them anytime you need to clean up spills or banish bad odours. Use them just like you would the Sprayer and apply electrolysed S-Water to clean your car interiors.

Click Here to discover more on our blog or shop now to find the latest deal for the H2O e3 Cleaning System.