There are all sorts of reasons why getting fit is good for your body. Physical activity helps your heart stay healthy and keeps your joints and bones strong. What you might not realise is that exercise also has positive benefits for your mind too.

Meet the feel-good chemicals that give you a lift

You see, when you take part in any kind of physical activity, your body releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins help soothe your body, reducing any feelings of pain and giving your mood a lift. After a fast run or a particularly tough workout, you might notice that you feel both energized and slightly ecstatic – some people call this the ‘runner’s high’. That’s how powerful exercising can be.

Exercise distracts you from negative thoughts

On a simpler level, exercising is a good way to distract yourself and escape your problems, if only for a moment. When your mood is low, it’s all too easy to get caught up in negative thought patterns. You start dwelling on the things you feel are wrong with your life and end up wallowing in self-pity. Forcing yourself to do some vigorous exercise can help you break the cycle and give you something positive to focus on instead.

Exercise all your tension away

Likewise, if you carry a lot of tension in your body – because your job your stressful, for example – exercise can be a great way to loosen up. After a long day at work it can feel like such a release to either go for a workout, or even a quick run. Just remember, whatever exercise you decide to do, you should get out of breath doing it. That’s a good sign that your blood is pumping, and your body is getting maximum benefit.

Exercise helps your body change for the better too

Of course, once you’ve been exercising regularly for a while, you’ll start to notice your body changing for the better too. You’ll probably lose weight, maybe even drop a dress- or a belt-size. And that will have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing as well. There’s no better feeling than looking in the mirror and seeing yourself looking fit and healthy, and knowing that it’s all down to the effort you’ve put in.

When you feel tired and sluggish it’s hard to find the motivation to start exercising. Yet you’d be surprised how quickly your energy levels pick up after just a few weeks of regular exercise. Not only will you find you sleep better, you’ll find you feel more alert and able to concentrate during the day.

The numbers don’t lie

You might be wondering where the proof is for all these claims. Well, there have been a quite a number of studies which show conclusively that exercise is good for your mental wellbeing. For example, according the NHS website[1], a group of researchers has cross-referenced almost 50 studies from all around the world and found that people who exercise most frequently are less likely to suffer with depression. And there’s more…

Psychiatrist Madhukar Trivedi[2] showed how regular exercise can help even people who are chronically depressed. All it takes is a minimum of 3 sessions of aerobic exercise or strength training each week – for roughly 45 to 60 minutes a session. You should notice the first positive effects after around four weeks, but you should keep going for at least twelve weeks to enjoy maximum benefit.



5 workouts from 1 simple machine

To enjoy the positive effects of exercising, you have to start by burning calories. Now, there are all sorts of exercising machines out there. But truthfully, we’ve never found one that’s so effective at burning calories as the Orbitrek X17. Why? Because the Orbitrek X17 gives you 5 workouts – cycling, climbing, stairs, treadmill, elliptical – in one convenient machine. And with its 17 ever-changing burn paths, it helps to activate more muscles and reduce your workout time while burning more calories.

Indeed, one study by a leading university showed that you’ll burn roughly 34% more calories using the Orbitrek X17 than you would using a traditional exercise bike.


Discover how the Orbitrek X17 can help you hit your fitness targets right here.